Learning Orientation Survey Learning Orientation Survey 0% Complete1 of 4 This is not a psychometric assessment. Your responses will be confidential and will be used for the sole purpose of aggregated study and further research. Please read the statements carefully and be honest with yourself as much as you can. You email id is getting captured so that we share the analysis of your response after the study is completed. Feel Free to write a note at deepavmukherjee@gmail.com in case you have any queries or doubts while filling your response. Your Email ID * 1. Rate how well the statement describes you I like to take challenging new opportunities * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am comfortable to experiment new job assignments * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am not rigid in adverse situations * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am open to learning * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I spend time to analyse my strengths and weaknesses * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am conscious to pay attention to learn from complex situations * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am able to communicate my thoughts and actions to others effectively * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I can work with diverse set of people * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I appreciate individual differences while working with others * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I have consistently delivered in first time situations * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I take ownership to achieve my deliverables * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I plan activities with a results focus * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My job is monotonous * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job requires interaction with others * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job requires thinking and analysis * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job involves manual work * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job helps me demonstrate leadership skills * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job Skill is applicable to any industry * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job Skill is niche and less available in the market * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never My Job Skill is unique * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn because I prefer this method * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if the content is useful to me * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if the tool is easy to use * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if my organization provides the platform to me * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if I am given technical support while learning * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if my organization / government attaches incentives * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I use technology to learn if the learning platform is free of cost for me * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never When I learn a skill by self, I know my organization would recognize it * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never I am aware my reputation increases through learning new skills by self * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never Certifications add credibility to my skill when I learn by self * All the time Most of the time Sometimes Never Next